Manhattan Plaza Health Club, 482 West 43rd St., NYC, NY 10036
(646) 590-4411

Dear Fellow Community Members:

We believe our communities are strong when united together. For over 40 years, MPHC has stood for equality and supporting a diverse group of people to connect in a shared goal of leading healthier and more fulfilling lives. MPHC believes in the importance of providing a safe and inclusive space to learn and grow

The death of George Floyd inspired many in our community to unite and speak up in protest of the systematic injustices that allowed this avoidable tragedy to happen. We stand against police brutality. For everyone in our
community who feels the insufferable weight of injustice and intolerance, we stand with you.

To show our support we are pledging donations to supporting the Black Lives Matter and the Color of Change  funds.

We pledge to not stay silent and will continue to fight alongside you for a more inclusive and just world.

Your MPHC family