Workouts in many city clubs offer views of mirrors or brick walls. MPHC’s mezzanine level provides the latest cardiovascular equipment in a civilized setting where sunlight and sky are in abundance.
You can find a wide variety of cardiovascular equipment to serve your needs, most equipped with personalized entertainment units. Some of which include:
- SKILL MILL (Treadmill – Athletic training)
- EXCITE + Bike (Upright Bikes)
- EXCITE + Recline (Recumbent Bikes)
- EXCITE + Vario (Elliptical)
- EXCITE + Synchro (Elliptical)
- EXCITE + Run (Treadmills)
- EXCITE + Climb (Stair Mill)
- EXCITE + Step (Stair Steppers)
- EXCITE + Top UBE (Upper Body Ergometer)
- M3 Indoor Bike (Spin Bikes)
- Concept 2 Rowers
- Life Fitness GX Rower (Water Rower)